Daria Rockholz – January 2018

Medications_FeatureIf you’re a college-bound student currently taking medication, it is critical to your college success that you have a solid understanding of your medical needs prior to leaving home. At college, you will be completely responsible for managing your medication, as no one will be there to remind you.  Your personal medication regimen needs to taken very seriously, and should be fully established before you arrive on campus.

Here are some strategies to help you manage the transition to college without experimenting with changes in medication:

First of all, it is important to take the time to establish a relationship with a medical professional near campus who can prescribe and oversee your medical needs.  Your family doctor or a health professional at your college medical center can direct you to a reliable medical resource in the vicinity — someone who is knowledgeable about your specific type of medical issues and also familiar with the local college culture (such as academic intensity, social environment, athletic requirements, etc). Do this early in the semester and don’t wait for a crisis or emergency to occur.

Do not suddenly change your medication type or dosage without consulting your doctor. Because of the changes and stresses of the new college environment, transitioning to a new medication can present a major disruption in your education and personal development. Instead, familiarize yourself with your medical condition and learn about medication options before you go to college so you can maintain stability once the semester begins.

Educate yourself about the effects that alcohol consumption, sleep deprivation, and stress may have on your medication regime. Know your own “triggers” and create a plan of action.  Pay close attention to changes in your diet, exercise routines, and sleep patterns.

Take control of your medication. There are a growing number of students living on college campuses who are taking prescribed medications for ADHD, anxiety, depression, and mood disorders. There is also an alarming high rate of prescription drug abuse, so learn how to responsibly manage, utilize, and secure your medication.

Establish a set of daily life patterns that work for you. Make responsible choices that will enable you to thrive in college.

Meet with an educational consultant to discuss the details of your special needs and get an expert’s perspective on additional ways you can cater to those needs at college. There are a plethora of resources on college campuses for students with special learning needs as well as students with medical needs. Know your resources and options so that you can make responsible choices about your health and wellness. Daria Rockholz college placement services can help find the perfect place for you to continue your educational journey.